10 good reasons to go through the unique MOE experience


  1. The taste is not in the wine; the taste is created by the brain of the wine taster.
  2. A conscious wine tasting is a personal experience that marks the relationship between man and wine
  3. The relationship between man and wine is based on the principles of pleasure.
  4. MOE is sharing, involvement, and socialization.
  5. Environmental conditions affect the personal image of wine in your mind. 
  6. Behind the label, there is history, culture, and high quality
  7. Wine and music are essential parts of our daily life. Both are good media between sensory and emotion.
  8. The harp is a musical instrument with a huge amplitude of sound, capable of turning the corporeity of any individual and creating excellent response mechanisms.
  9. The soundtrack is fantastic, but your focus is on wine.
  10. MOE is an experience forever, in your mind and in your heart

We drive you on a deep and unmatchable experience for a different feeling

Contact us. enquiries@musicoenology.com   rbianco.myself@gmail.com WhatsApp +39 366 7033571


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